Automated Testing: TDD, BDD & ATDD

Automated testing is as much a tool to improve design as a validation of your code. Being able to test your systems quickly and efficiently is vital to modern software engineering practice. TDD, BDD & ATDD allow you to gain great feedback on the quality of your software and can be used to guide your engineering practise. Dave Farley is a renown expert in the field of automated testing, and can help you to develop your testing strategy, adopt Test Driven Development, become skilled in Acceptance Testing and learn the techniques of Behaviour Driven Development, whatever the challenges of your problem domain.


Maintaining your software in a releasable state is the central challenge of Continuous Delivery. To do that we need to continuously understand the releasability of our systems, which means automated testing. Dave Farley brings his expertise in the field of automated testing to bear to offer effective testing strategies, whatever the unique constraints of your organisation, technology or environment. With Dave’s world-class expertise on TDD and BDD, he can advise you on team organisation, system-design, technology and can work, hands-on, with your technologists to coach them in the skills of automated testing.


Acceptance Testing Is the FUTURE of Programming

When To Use These 5 TOP Software Test Types

Total TDD | VOL. 1: What Is It, What To Do When It Goes Wrong & Why Hasn't It Taken Over The World?

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